New 4K Nintendo Switch Pro to have Virtual Reality Support, Breath of the Wild 2 VR Option

With the announcement of a new upgraded 4K Nintendo Switch Pro, is reporting from an anonymous source that the new Switch Pro will offer untethered Virtual Reality of it's mighty IP line of games. And the first major game to feature this will be Breath of the Wild 2. It will be an optional choice within the game, similar to Playstation VR option for Resident Evil 7. What's also stunning about this rumor (strongly sourced, that should not be taken with a grain of salt), is that the Switch Pro AND Breath of the Wild 2 AND an optional $50 VR headset attachment will all come out...wait for it....for the 2021 Holiday Season! And Nintendo will offer a VR version of the Switch with the headset and Breath of the wild 2 in one package! Wow! We loved Labo VR and especially loved the Alien Blaster game and can only hope for a full game version of that. Labo VR can now be seen as a testing ground for Nintendo's VR end game. And seeing that the Switch version does not require a cable (unlike the coming-soon PSVR 2 headset, which mistakenly will include a "ball and chain" like cable that will tangle the player like spaghetti on a fork), it's a breath of freedom fresh air. Imagine Mario Kart 9 or Mario Odyssey 2 in VR? Good dog! Updates coming soon! Please add to email list to be the first to hear the latest news!