Splatoon 2 Confirm Single Player Mode!
I love Splatoon on Wii U! Have played over 700 hours of this great game! I must say, the single player mode was fantastic! With one of...

Super Mario Odyssey for Switch Playable at E3!
Exciting news, as Nintendo just announced that it's HUGE tent-pole game, Mario Odyssey, will be playable at this years E3 Convention...

Pandora - The World of Avatar video from the land and inside the rides!
May 27, Pandora - The World of Avatar opens at Disney World's Animal Kingdom in Florida (I will go in June - can't wait)! Major media...

Metroid Prime Trilogy Switch? You know you want it!
It would be perfect on Switch. Portable, on the go. Port is AS IS. If you agree, if we can get at least 100 likes, I will forward this to...