Ice Cream beats Cake in first ever Splatoon 2 Splatfest for Nintendo!

Saturday July 15, Nintendo was kind enough to give all Switch owners a 4-hour free opportunity to play the fantastically addictive Splatoon 2! And it didn't disappoint! I picked team Ice Cream, played for 4 hours, and Ice Cream melted Team cake 2-1! The game plays smooth, fast, and yes, you will scream at you TV screen! Based on the Splatfest alone, Splatoon 2 is a 10/10 for me! Splatoon 2 launched Friday July 21, and, I will be playing this minute one as soon as it's released (yes, I put over 700 hours in the original Splatoon, which I have dubbed GAME OF THE DECADE) If you can get your hands on a Switch, do it ASAP if not just for this game (of course, Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 and the upcoming Mario Odyssey are reasons alone to get it!)